When I say good morning I mean to say:

O-ffers us His
D-evotion to

M-ake us
O-bedient &
R-eady for a
N-ew day with Him.
I-nspire others please, and
N-ever forget
G-od loves you!
3 Responses
  1. very nice meaning. very nice site. God Bless you!

  2. Chette Says:

    Hello there Fellow Christian Blogger!

    This is Sis.Chette (I saw your blog in google), I would

    like to invite you to join the Christian Blogger Clan

    located here:

    http://christianblogs.clan.su/ God has put in my heart

    to gather all the CHRISTIAN Bloggers on the Internet,

    and I hope you'll participate and contribute.

    I really really hope and Pray that you'll participate
    and Join this Clan. God bless all of us!

    - Christian Blogger Admin

  3. hi wonderful blog here...Nice to know a lot of Christian proclaiming their faith tru writing...Godbless and more power